
UEFI has a few table structures. These tables are how you get access to UEFI services.

SystemTable (EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE in the specification) is the top-level table that provides access to the other tables.

BootServices (EFI_BOOT_SERVICES in the specification) provides access to a wide array of services such as memory allocation, executable loading, and optional extension interfaces called protocols. This table is only accessible while in the Boot Services stage.

RuntimeServices (EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES in the specification) provides access to a fairly limited set of services, including variable storage, system time, and virtual-memory mapping. This table is accessible during both the Boot Services and Runtime stages.

When writing a UEFI application, you get access to the system table from one of the arguments to the main entry point:

fn main(handle: Handle, mut system_table: SystemTable<Boot>) -> Status;

Then use SystemTable::boot_services and SystemTable::runtime_services to get access to the other tables. Once SystemTable::exit_boot_services is called, the original system table is consumed and a new system table is returned that only provides access to the RuntimeServices table.